Celebrating the Success of the Western Cape Marine Guide Training Program
The Western Cape Marine Guide Training Program, a collaborative initiative by the Department of Economic Development & Tourism, the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa
The Western Cape Marine Guide Training Program, a collaborative initiative by the Department of Economic Development & Tourism, the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa
Wow! A short but powerful word to describe my experience at Ulovane so far. It’s barely the end of Week 2 and it already feels
When I look back at the first week at Ulovane environmental training I can only say it was overwhelming. A new environment, new rules, new friends. Just being in the southern
Mind-Blowing Marine Guide Adventures It has been one week since we arrived at Kleinemonde. We have already done, seen, and learned so many
5,6,7 Lets go! Week 5 through my eyes! I am a student at Ulovane Environmental Training, and the emphasis of my experience has been unbelievably remarkable.
Change of perspective We completed our second week of trails, in the glorious sunshine. We walked through different areas and vegetation types on Amakhala game
Geology, Climate & Weather, and Astronomy – a fascinating week 2! To kick off this intense week we began with weather and climate. Karien explained