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Inspirational Woman in Eco Tourism Careers: Chantelle Cook




We have been inspired by many women over the years and thought we would like to highlight just a few of these Woman during Womans month! We have asked the ladies a few questions, in hopes they will inspire and motivate you, as they have us.

Meet Chantelle Cook, Hillsnek safari camp – co-owner and Chipembere Rhino Foundation – co-founder.

What has been your biggest influence to get you to where you are today?

My partner Brent Cook for his commitment and pursuit of excellence always, and my blessings of two beautiful daughters, Cate and Emma. Being blessed with an incredible team, as without the support and input of others my success would not be possible. An acceptance that the only constant in life is change and one requires flexibility and adaptability to change, always.

Based on your own experiences, what advice would you give to women considering a chosen career/path such as yours?

Be patient and do not lose focus… success follows those who are committed. Believe in yourself and your dreams. Never be complacent – be dynamic always. Follow your heart. Garner an appreciation and love for the natural world and accept the responsibility of being its custodian.

What in your career has brought or given you the greatest satisfaction or fulfilment?

The wonderful guests who experience a safari with us, do it often for the very 1st and last time in their lives. For some of them, it is a bucket list accomplishment. That we can deliver something so powerful, tangible and moving to the world, humbles me every time. The impact of what we do is never to be taken lightly.

For Chipembere, our motto is “saving rhino one at a time”. Every project worked on has been impactful in the life of at least 1 animal. Knowing that every little step we make contributes towards a greater whole.

What advice would you give to your younger self?


Follow the below links to find out more about Hillsnek and Chipembere Rhino Foundation, both based on Amakhala Game Reserve.
Hillsnek Safari Lodge
Chipembere Rhino Foundation