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Ulovane update: Life after Ulovane, but not without!



Life after Ulovane, but certainly not without.

While I was still studying at Ulovane, I couldn’t quite imagine what it would be like to finally put my newly found set of skills to test in real life and not just as a student.  Shortly after my time with Ulovane I started working at an incredible lodge on Amakhala (Woodbury Lodge) which was organised for me by the amazing Ulovane team.

I was quite nervous to start at my first job in the guiding industry. It was only after my first week that the value of my time with Ulovane really sunk in. They really did prepare me for almost everything I might encounter in my work environment! From knowing how to change the flat tyre and trying to figure out what is wrong with my vehicle, to dealing with those exceptionally difficult guests and how to calm them down!
What really surprised me, was how even after being done with the official course, Ulovane was not done with me. I had not even been working a full two weeks before I received my first invite to go and visit for a bit! I thought it might be a little awkward at first with all the new students, but I was honestly surprised by how much I still feel at home at the beautiful campus!
I think that is what really makes the whole experience so great, is that it really does stay your home and people stay your family long after you finished the course. Going to visit, feels like coming home after a long day at work and finally being able to take off your work shoes and put on your favourite pair of flip-flops!
I will forever be grateful for the wonderful environment everyone involved with the program created and that they gave so many of us the opportunity to pursue careers that are truly our passion! Loving life at Woodbury and learning more everyday!

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. – Oprah Winfrey